Wednesday, June 1, 2011

frustrated . [rant]

I'm so frustrated right now with my boyfriend. It seems like nothing I do is ever good enough for him. He gets upset when I don't get excited to talk to him, just because I don't raise my voice or get all giddy, that means I'm not excited. Or if I don't talk to him all day, excuse me, how can I contact you when you don't have a phone? His reply was to email him. He knows I'm bad at contacting people, but even when I try, it's like it's in vain.
He asked me what do I do for him to show him that I care. Let's see, for the past 2 Valentine's Day I got him something. Not just a sappy card and candy, but I actually thought about the things he liked and compiled them together. Father's day coming up, I ordered him cards and I'm contemplating on whether or not to send him a gift box. What did I get for Mother's day? Nothing, not even a simple 99 cent card, or even an "email." I know that tangible proof of one's "caring" for you isn't the main thing, but I just like to look at things that people give me, I see it as a reminder of them when they're not around. And it's not even like I want big flashy things, I'm a lover of cards, especially the homemade ones.
Maybe I am the one in the wrong at times, but he just wants EVERYTHING HIS way, and if it doesn't he starts bitching at me >:& (that's my frustrated face) But, I chose him, and at the end of the day, I'll still be in love with him.

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